Thursday, April 28, 2011


I don’t usually get mad about a lot of things, but right now there is something that’s really just working my nerves. I don’t understand society’s double standard when it comes to food/body size.

It’s always “blahblahblah, don’t eat this don’t eat that.” and “blahblahblah you need to lose weight…this girl’s fat…that guy’s going to have heart disease.” And people are constantly degrading other people because of their size/shape/weight, which may not even be something that they can help, and it makes them feel absolutely terrible.

But then when someone tries to watch what they eat or attempt a diet, it has to be some huge secret because the same people that were just judging them for eating too much are now judging them for being a “priss about calorie intake.”

I’m sorry, but how is this okay? Coming from someone that has struggled with my weight for years, I can absolutely say that it’s not. If someone is counting calories/watching what they eat/dieting, then who are you to cut them down? Maybe they’re doing it for a legitimate health reason and not just because of what they see/hear people talking about. Even so, it’s constantly being thrust in our faces that we should look a certain way, but yet when we try to, we get chastised for it.

It just makes me sick.

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