Friday, January 7, 2011

I Should Be Sleeping

No seriously, I have to be up and ready to go to weigh-in by 9:00 in the's almost 2:00 right now. Thus has become Brittany's nocturnal habit during semester break. I really need to stop staying up so late, especially when I'm less than two days away from having a steady 9-4 class schedule almost every day, with very little break in more naps this semester, sadly.

But that's not what I'm really here to talk about (and at this point I'll throw in my apologies for not blogging more than I have been...that's kind of how my blog life works, but I'm really trying.) The topic on my mind right now is, once again, my lifestyle change. I've started referring to it as that, rather than the D word or 'weight loss,' because those are dirty words in my mind.

My intentions with this blog were not to make it my journey to thin chronicles, but it's honestly helping me (at least, I think it is...tomorrow's weigh-in shall really tell.) However, no matter how much it's helping me to write about my successes and struggles, I still hope to incorporate multiple facets on my road to being a happier me...this is just what's at the forefront for the current time.

Before I get into anything else, I would just like to say that I stepped on our home scale a few days ago out of curiosity and according to it, I was half a pound away from losing 5% of my body weight. The thing that I keep reminding myself, however, is that our scale is severely inaccurate compared to the one that I use at legitimate weigh-ins, but even still; it has been such a motivator knowing that I'm actually getting close to my first goal, even if I haven't exactly reached it yet. I haven't set a reward for reaching this particular goal yet, but I think it's going to be something very a nap or an extra long shower or something. *The small things matter too, my friends*

Now, as for the meat of this post: I've been noticing some major flaws in the way that I go about food/moving in my daily life. I often find it easy to just 'forget' to take my multivitamin and Vitamin D (which, if my doctor knew I was skipping the D, she'd kill me) every day, and I've been getting lazy on my protein. When I first started trying to get healthier and also got put on my medication, my goal was to eat a lot of foods that are high in protein. My doctor told me that protein, along with the medicine, would nip my problems in the bud and also make it easier for me to shed some weight. The way that we determined what was 'high in protein' is this: if the carbs are any more than twice the amount of protein in a serving of something, then it's not high. For example: if there are 7 grams of protein and 20 carbs, then the food is not considered to have high protein. With 7 grams of protein, anything 14 carbs and under (plus or minus 2) is high. I've been seriously neglecting this lately, and I need to get back to it.

The final two things that I've started doing to hinder myself are that I'm drinking soda again (a habit I regained once I started school...which is pretty good considering my other drinking options on a University campus), and not journaling my food intake. In the beginning, I was incredibly on top of writing down my food. I would do it as soon as I'd had breakfast and I would decide at that point exactly what I would be eating for the entire day, both meals and snacks. Since I've been home on break , that's simply fallen away from me.

I'm preparing to return to school on Sunday, and so I've compiled a list of things that I need to work on:
-Take my vitamins DAILY
-Get back to the high protein plan
-Do away with the soda again, this time for good
-Resume food journaling
-Start utilizing the exercise facilities (this one I didn't talk about necessarily, but I worked out a few times this week and felt AMAZING about it, so it's a given.)

Until the next time, dearest readers, keep your fingers crossed for me as I go to the last weigh-in of winter break...I'm nervous.

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